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Nakhon Phanom During The Secret War 1962-1975

Back to The Jungle


Approximate location of the Base Exchange on the left.

Former Location of Base Ops

Main Road 150 Yards In From The Main Gate

My Hooch location "Sunnyvale" across from former Life Support

Life Support Building was NKP Airport Terminal in 1997

Thai Airways NKP Airport Terminal 1997

Former 56th Special Operations Life Support

John Sweet with original Commando Hat

NKP Weather


Hotel At NKP

Anyone who thought we were roughing it while "on the road" through Thailand and Laos needs to peek at the web site above for the River View Hotel located "downtown" at Nakhon Phanom on the Mekong where we stayed while searching our way amongst jungle overgrown NKP.

The opposite side of the river still held the awesome view of the karsts. New additions however with four large hotels within view along the banks. Seems even Laos is clamoring into the 21st Century.

Not much left of NKP RTAFB - except snakes! We each used a tree branch as a seven foot long walking stick and beat them in front of us to keep the ol cobras slithering off the pathways.

Only the main road beside the flightline will safely allow passage by vehicle. All the roads into the former center of the base have been taken back by the jungle. You will not believe what you are seeing even when you standing there with it in view. What little pavement remains is covered with slime.

Found the Tactical Units Operations Center, along with the Officers Club and Chow Hall. Everything requires the use of old maps and photos and a great deal of study to identify.

Downtown: Monty's Ice Cream Parlor is no more. Shed a tear or two! The former owner is now a member of Parliament and Monty's has been painted yellow and turned into a supermarket warehouse. Took pictures of the insides including the old infamous bathroom window. The joint next door is now an internet service provider.

The building which housed "Johnny's Bungalow" has been torn down all together and is long gone!

Uncle Ho's Clocktower
